Serentiy Prayer

"... grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.
" -- Reinhold Neibuhr, 1934

Blog Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a "companion blog?"
A blog is a blog is a blog. This one just happens to be a companion to the Autoimmune Vasculitis Caregivers Google Group mailing list.

That list is private, members only, for caregivers of patients with a diagnosis of autoimmune related systemic vasculitis. Mileage varies with each participant, but the mailing list is restricted access ONLY.

So, why this blog, you may ask... The answer is this...
This blog exists to create a place to post the best of articles, stories, and other items that are already public, or that are appropriately shared with a wider audience, and also for the benefit of this audience. This blog is for items that will compliment the mailing list, and articles posted to the blog will automatically be copied to the list, where, presumably, we can discuss them.

For example, the mailing list is TEXT ONLY, so no formatting. Not to mention no movies, photos, or other media rich content. Sure, you can link to a YouTube video in the list... but why not embed that video in the blog where it is easier to get to and more appropriately juxtaposed with other developed caregiver worthy content?

So to kick it off with an example, here is a video about Positive Thinking Meditation... You can choose to let it take you away for three and a half minutes, while I go think of another question to write about.

Positive Thinking Meditation Video

Who gets to be an author in this blog?
Arguably, any member of the mailing list can author an article that would be posted in this blog. Some people may prove prolific and also prove they know how to put words together in sentence type structures... Realistically, how many cooks can we really have in one kitchen before the soup gets spoiled? So, for now, submit your articles and the group owner, and eventually some delegated editors, will take care of the actual posting. Don't worry, you will get credit (or not) as you choose. Just make your preference clear when you submit your article.

What should be posted to this blog?
You can share something that enough people will like, and it might get posted here.

You can share a news item, a medical article, a video, a song, a bibliography of books about vasculitis... whatever... This is for any long form bit of content that will augment the AVC mailing list and make it a better resource for all of us.

Have more questions? Send them to me, I have answers, or maybe I can ask the group!
Send new technical questions about the blog or the mailing list to Joseph Carpenter, or just post your other questions in the group and some questions that get asked frequently will be copied here over time.